Tuesday, November 17, 2009

V: A Bright New Day

I found this episode to be pretty good. If you think about it quite a few things happened in this episode. It was better then the last episode. Early on in the episode Ryan and Georgie meet up and have a little chat. They start talking about getting people for a rebellion and they talk about this guy named John May. He was the guy that started the first rebellion against the V's and he was mentioned a couple more times in this episode, so he'll probably be an important character. Later on, Ryan goes to recruit his buddy Cyrus who left him a note in his house and Cyrus tries to kill him. Cyrus says the V's were going to "reconnect" him. What does that mean exactly? Reconnect him to what? Does that just mean they would accept him and reintegrate him back into life with them? Well, then Cyrus asks Ryan if he misses "the bliss". What is "the bliss" is it a feeling or is it a drug. Ryan's response was that "the bliss" was how Anna controlled them and they were "Just like junkies, man." So maybe when the V's are "connected" they get doses of "the bliss" and this is how Anna controls them.

While Ryan is doing that, Erica saves Anna's second-hand lizard-man after someone else gets shot first. That was actually kind of an intense scene. We later find out that the killer was actually a V sent by Anna to gain more trust from the humans. Tricky. Tricky. Then the V's take the killer and we know why know. Erica goes into a secret room with all of these live video feeds and then she sees herself in one of them and moves her hand to cover up what was filming her and its a V-suit. The V-suits have cameras built into them. Then Juliet, I mean, Erica leaves the room and just misses seeing her son looking in a mirror with a hot V-girl. Oh man, so close! She goes home and sees her son and he has company. Company is hot V girl who got to try the yummy pizza that Tyler told her about, because of her Visitor passport. When Erica opens the door she sees hot V girl in her underwear so she doesn't know she is a V. I though that Elizabeth Mitchell was really funny in this scene. When Erica left, hot V girl said "I thought this would be better than your mom seeing me in my uniform." And all the guys are like "Yeah. It would be better."

Then there's the whole thing with the angry widow of a pilot killed in the arrival of the V's. Her name was Mary Faulkner. There was a good scene where Anna was preparing to meet Mary and practicing showing empathy. Then, Anna and Mary met secretly. We didn't see what happened in that meeting, but whatever was discussed made Mary change her mind. Maybe Anna didn't change Mary's mind maybe the real Mary was tied up and a fake V Mary gave the speech or maybe she was threatened or bribed. Something seems suspicious though about what happened there.

While this was going on, a new V named Joshua was helping Dale get his memory back and Dale kept giving extremely serious looks that I thought were silly looking. Once Dale got his memory back Dale is like "I have to go find Erica and kill her!" and then Joshua is like "Nope, I'm gonna inject you with something and then I am going to go find Erica and make her be me ally."

While Ryan and Erica were doing all that stuff and all that other stuff was happening, Father Jack was trying to find a suspect named George Sutton, who we know better as Georgie. He goes to his old house where he learns from the current resident that Georgie's family was killed by the V's and that he is crazy. Then Jack brings Erica and meets Georgie who brings Ryan and then everyone's together for the first time.

Other Things that happened: Ana's V friend goes to find Cyrus and finds only dust and "John May Lives" written on the door. And he says "There will be no peace." which sounds a little different than "We come in peace....Always." In the last scene we find out that Ana is hot V girl's mama. We also find out that Tyler is "the one" whatever that means.

This was the best episode yet, except for maybe the pilot, which doesn't mean much because there was only one other episode. However, what I'm trying to say is that it was good. Only one more episode before a long V break :( .

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